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Esta es la nota publicada por la organización:
During the 2011 50 MHz IARU region 1 contest we enjoyed a nice multi-hop opening
towards the west. Stations from TF, VE and W were easy to work. It is a pity however
that several stations did not send a serialnumber or mentioned the same serialnumber
many times. This resulted in a high number of penalties during the log checking of
many participants.
Furthermore the standard mistakes were noticed: IO89NN instead of IO82NN, JO20OJ
instead of JO21OJ, JO32JF instead of JO32GF, wrong time, wrong reports, etc.
The VERON is pleased with the logs received : 325 Single and 88 Multi stations did
send their log, also the 20 checklogs were very useful.
The section Single was a close race, but YT9A took the lead and won.
Surprisingly in the Multi section the team of GJ6YB/p was beaten by EF7X mainly
because the latter made many multi hop contacts over large distances; their average
km/qso was 3358. Runner-up GJ6YB/p average km/qso was 1324; most of their qso’s
were made into Western-Europe.
Many thanks to Martin Henz DL5NAH for his excellent software programme which made
log checking a pleasure.
Congratulations to the winners and hope to work you next year!
Theo Köhler PA1TK
VERON VHF contest manager
Date: 09.09.2011
towards the west. Stations from TF, VE and W were easy to work. It is a pity however
that several stations did not send a serialnumber or mentioned the same serialnumber
many times. This resulted in a high number of penalties during the log checking of
many participants.
Furthermore the standard mistakes were noticed: IO89NN instead of IO82NN, JO20OJ
instead of JO21OJ, JO32JF instead of JO32GF, wrong time, wrong reports, etc.
The VERON is pleased with the logs received : 325 Single and 88 Multi stations did
send their log, also the 20 checklogs were very useful.
The section Single was a close race, but YT9A took the lead and won.
Surprisingly in the Multi section the team of GJ6YB/p was beaten by EF7X mainly
because the latter made many multi hop contacts over large distances; their average
km/qso was 3358. Runner-up GJ6YB/p average km/qso was 1324; most of their qso’s
were made into Western-Europe.
Many thanks to Martin Henz DL5NAH for his excellent software programme which made
log checking a pleasure.
Congratulations to the winners and hope to work you next year!
Theo Köhler PA1TK
VERON VHF contest manager
Date: 09.09.2011
Felicidades a todos los concursantes y en especial al grupo EF7X, ganadores en Multioperador, y a EA8MT, 14 en Monooperador.
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