Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Bon Nadal, Feliz Navidad, Merry Christmas from Barcelona

Bon Nadal, Feliz Navidad, Merry Christmas from Barcelona and many DX on 6 meters next 2014.
73 de Josep EA3AKY.

4S7, Sri Lanka, qrv 6 m 10-23/March


Zigi, DL7DF informs in his web : 

"Our DXpedition to Sri Lanka as 4S7 will be between March 10 and 23, 2014. We will be active with several stations on 160m through 6m on CW, SSB. One station will be exclusively dedicated to RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV.

Our equipment consists of 4 transceivers (3 x K2, 1 x FT857D), 2 x 18 m lowband vertical, a delta-loop vertical for 40, a delta-loop vertical for 30, 2 spiderbeam for 20/17/15/12/10, a 5 elem. yagi for 6m, some beverage antennas as well as some laptop computers."

1A0, Order of Malta, qrv 6 m 2-7/2014

An international team led by Francesco IK0FVC will activate SMOM 1A0KM from January 2nd to January 7th 2014.

At present time operators will be IK0FVC, I0JBL, IK0FTA, IK0PRG, IW0BYL, I0ZY, I0GOJ, I0HCJ, IK0DWN, IK0XFD, IK5HHA, IZ0IEN, IZ0NRG, DK7PE, DJ9ZB, OH1VR, S53R and VE7NY.

Qsl via Sergio IK0FTA and also LoTw. 1A0KM operation support the DX-Code of conduct. Online log facility will be also available.

ZD9, Tristan da Cunha, qrv 6 m September 2014

The Italian DXpedition Team announces its next DXpedition to Tristan da Cunha ( Iota AF029 ).The call will be ZD9TT.

Likely dates will be in the period September-October 2015. The DXpedition will last a total of five weeks, of which two for travel and the middle three for operation.

The main aim of the DXpedition will be to work the greatest possible number of unique calls, thus offering a possibility also to Little Pistols and QRP stations. 

All bands will be activated on CW and SSB, but RTTY operations will be confined to the 14 MHz band.

More information in their web http://www.i2ysb.com/idt/

7P, Lesotho, qrv 6 m 11-16/February


DK3ID, Edward, plans to be qrv from Lesotho as 7P8ID on 6 meters and HF, only ssb, from 11 to 16 of february. QSL direct via home call or OE8IDK.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Despues de XR0ZR...

Bueno, después de unas semanas de silencio motivadas por mi participación en la expedición a la isla de Juan Fernandez XR0ZR, volveré poco a poco a publicar noticias sobre los 6 metros en el blog.

Pronto publicaré un reportaje completo que seguro os gustará. De momento os dejo cuatro números de lo trabajado en 50 MHz y algunas fotos...

Band 50

QSO 6 m x day

CW SSB JT65A Total
11/10/2013 10 22
11/11/2013 4 3
11/12/2013 32 6
11/13/2013 26 3 1 30
11/14/2013 11

11/16/2013 2 2
11/17/2013 10 6 4 20
11/18/2013 7
2 9
11/19/2013 4
1 5
11/20/2013 3 9 1 13
Total 109 51 9 169

Band 50

QSO 6 m x DXCC

CW SSB JT65A Total
XE 19 6
WP4 11 12
PY 20

YV 10 9
K 7
5 12
EA8 7 2
HK 2 3
9Y 2 3
KV4 5

FM 1 3
EA 3

TI 1 2
HP 2 1
LU 2 1
OA 2 1
YS 2

HK0A 1 1
CE 2

FG 1 1
CT 2

KV 1 1
ZP 2


2 2

1 1
CN 1


1 1
EA6 1

KP2 1

TG 1

Total 109 51 9 169

169 QSO en 34 DXCC a pesar de la falta de propagación trabajamos EU, AF, NA, SA y escuchamos AS y OC... por poco no llegamos a hacer el WAC. 

En 6 metros EME realizamos 9 qsos, a pesar de estar con solo 400 w.

73 Josep Ma. EA3AKY

6m EME from XR0ZR

6m station XR0ZR

Saturday, October 19, 2013

5V, Benin, qrv 6 meters Nov/Dec

Wim, ON6DX will be returning to Togo (5V7TH) and Benin during Nov/Dec 2013. QRV on 40 - 6 m, CW/SSB & RTTY. Benin callsign upon arrival Cotenou. QSL via ON6DX. [tnx DX World]

TU, Ivory Coast, qrv 6 meters 17-30/November

TU5AX, TU5XV and TU5NK are the respective callsigns for Chris F4WBN (ex-TL0A), Paul F6EXV and Jan DJ8NK for this solidarity radio operation from Abidjan, Ivory Coast  which will take place from November 17-30, 2013. Activity will be on SSB, CW and RTTY; 160 to 6m. QSL to home calls, via bureau, direct or OQRS (Club Log).

Note: The 3 operators will support the clubstation TU2CI and will leave equipment behind (radios and antennas), install it and train the local operators to use it, in order to revive the Abidjan radio club, and assist some local hams who have strongly suffered from the civil war that hit the country some time ago.

[tnx DX World]

Saturday, October 12, 2013

XV, Vietnam, qrv 6 meters 2-8/11

Toshi, JA3NHL will again be active from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam as XV2NHL between November 2-8, 2013. QRV on 160m – 6m, CW SSB & RTTY. QSL via JA3NHL. [tnx DX World]

TK, Corsica, qrv 6 meters 22-28/10

Mek, SP7VC will be active as TK/SP7VC from Corsica (EU-014) on 22 - 28 October. He will be QRV on 160 - 6 metres SSB and FSK441 via meteor scatter on 6m. He will also participate in the CQ WW DX  SSB Contest. QSL via home call and LoTW. [TNX NG3K][TNX 425 DX News #1171]


KG4, Guantanamo Bay, qrv 6 meters 11-25/10

Bill, W4WV (KG4WV) and Al, W6HGF (KG4HF) will be active from Guantanamo Bay (NA-015) on 11-25 October. KG4HF (www.qsl.net/w6hgf/KG4HF.html)  will  focus  on  RTTY  and other digital modes, with some CW when time permits. He will be QRV on 160 - 10 metres, plus 6 metres if the band is open. "This is not vacation", he says. "I plan to operate until I fall asleep".  QSL KG4HF via LoTW or direct to W6HGF  (logserach  on  Club  Log).  QSL KG4WV via W4WV, direct or bureau. [TNX 425 DX News #1171]


J3, Grenada, qrv 6 meters 23-30/October


Mark, N2MD and Arnal, N9ACC will be active holiday style as J3/N2MD and J3/N9ACC from Grenada (NA-024) on 23-30 October. They will be QRV on 80 - 6 metres SSB. QSL via LoTW only. [TNX  The  Daily DX] [TNX 425 DX News #1171]