Friday, June 10, 2011

** C2, NAURU (Update) **

Excerpts from a "C21AA Nauru DXpedition" #2 press release dated June 4th, states members of Pacific DXers are pleased to announce that 6 operators will be active as C21AA from Nauru between November 10th and December 6th, with 3 complete stations on HF as well as a dedicated 6m station. The confirmed team so far consist of Art/NJ7N, Tim/NL8F, Eddie/VK4AN, Bill/VK4FW and 2 more operators to be announced later. The press release also states, "Nauru is currently ranked at 44 on the world wide wanted list, 31 in most of EU and 19 on the wanted Digital mode list." The team fully intends to operate on CW,
SSB, RTTY and PSK31, and on all bands 160-6 meters. For logistical reasons, all equipment will be taken on same flight as "excess baggage" QSLs will be managed by Pacific DXers, with the task going to Bill,
VK4FW. QSLing is available three ways..... direct, by the Bureau or online with Paypal 'postage' support. To request a QSL, and choice/ pick the method you want to use, go to:
While each individual operator is responsible for their own personal expenses including air flights, accommodations, food etc..... they are seeking support to help offset other costs, such as the large
excess baggage charge, hotel room just for the radio equipment, QSL printing, QSL postage for Bureau cards, phone calls associated with planning, purchase of consumables and, most important of all... the
donation of some equipment to native Nauruan hams! A special Paypal account has been set up for support at:  (Just add your callsign/name
and any comments in the 'comment/message' box.) All donors will be  listed on the Web site, which is still 'under construction', so the following link doesn't work yet:
[unless anonymity preferred] PLEASE NOTE: A special memento will be sent to donors who support them with 50 USDs or more. These donors will be listed on the QSL card. Organizations that provide support
will have their logo and link placed on the Web page as well as their logo on the QSL Card [unless anonymity preferred]. SOURCE: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1013
[MMMonVHF Newsletter 2011-06-09]

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