Saturday, August 14, 2010

TEP en 6 metros y más expediciones

Ayer por la tarde me sorprendió escuchar muy fuerte la señal de TV de Camerún en 48.2497 MHz, en algunos momentos por encima de s9+10 dB. A las 19.30 se escuchaba bien la baliza 9Q1D/B en 50.0212 MHz, señal 529 típica de tep con flutter. La actividad solar sigue subiendo y vamos a tener pronto aperturas hacia Africa casi a diario que nos permitirán ampliar la lista del dxcc, si hay actividad, claro.

Estos día está activo Tom, DL2RUM desde Ruanda, con el indicativo 9X0TL. Ayer estuvo qrv pero no se le escuchó por aquí. Esperemos que se le pueda trabajar antes de que termine su estancia es este difícil pais en 6m.

En los boletines de DX que recibo veo que cada vez más se incorpora la banda de 6m. Los últimos que he visto son:

ARLD032 DX news

GREECE, J48. Laci, HA0HW will be active as J48HW from Thassos Island (IOTA EU-174) from August 28 to September 7. He usually operates CW, with some SSB, RTTY and PSK31 as well, mainly on 40, 30, 20, 17 and 6 meters. QSL via his home call sign, direct or via the HA Bureau.

PALAU, T8. Operators Takio, JH3QFL and Haruki, JH3KEA will be active as T88TB and T88KH, respectively, from September 19 to 22. Activity will be on 80-6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL direct to their home call sign or via the bureau.

425 DX News #1006

PJ4 - A multi-national team of 15-20 operators is being formed to be active from Bonaire on 10-24 October "in anticipation of the new DXCC status on 10 October 2010". The current list of operators includes DJ8NK, DL9USA, K6AM, N0VD, PA3GVI, PA8A, PA8F, PE2KY, PE2MC, PG4M, PJ4GT, PJ4LS, PJ4NX, W0LSD, W4PA and WP3UX. They plan to be QRV on 160-10 metres SSB, CW and digital modes from six locations around the island. "Due to the time of year, 6 meters will not likely produce much activity", they say, "but it will be a consideration". The group has been granted use of Radio Netherlands relay station's "impressive aerial park, which provides up to 21 dBd gain, during their dead hours", i.e. between 12.30 and 18.30 UTC on a daily basis. They expect to utilize this opportunity on 30, 20, 15 and 17 metres. All of the QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau through the services of Global QSL. Further information, updates and log search will be published on the expedition's website ( [TNX N0VD]

Blog de EA1CS

ON4TA (ex 6O0F), estará en visita privada (no Dxpedition) en Gambia del 21 de octubre al 11 de noviembre 2010. Mientras esté allí usará el indicativo C56FR y tal vez esté activo en 17 y 20 mts ssb con 100 wtts y antenas de hilo. Filip planea experimentar con antenas yagi en 6 mts, 2 mts y 70 cmt. Qsl vía h. call.

MMMonVHF Newsletter 2010-08-10

** DXCC: 3V ; Square: JM57 ; Start: 2010-09-13 **

An Italian team of operators will activate Plane Island (AF-091 WLOTA L-0413) and/or Kuriat Island (AF-092 WLOTA L-0974) as TS7TI on 13-23 September 2010. The IOTA request is 14.8% for Plane island and 30.8% for Kuriat Island. They will be active on all bands HF, WHF, VHF, 6m., SSB, CW, PSK31, RTTY. Activity during a little tour /P, will be from some wanted WFF 3VFF and from the most wanted square JM57. Operators include Alfredo IK7JWX, Leopoldo I8LWL, Simon IZ7ATN, Paolo IK7UXW, Ampelio IS0AGY and Ivo 9A3A. They are
currently seeking sponsors/supporters for this DXpedition. It looks good that as well a MS Station can be setup on 2 Meter! SOURCE: tnx to Fred, IK7JWX direct to MMMonVHF.

** 3D2, FIJI (Possibly Rotuma [3D2/R]) on HF and 50 MHz **

Seb, F8IJV, is making plans to be in Fiji during 2011 in October (dates are not final yet). Activity will be limited to his free time (this will not be a DXpedition). He has received his license and will use the callsign 3D2JV. Seb will be active from the QTH of Tony, 3D2AG, on Liti Levu (OC-016). He plans to be active on 160-6 meters, mainly on SSB and FM on 10 meters, and possibly some Digital modes. Seb also plans to participate to the 2011 CQWW DX SSB Contest while there. If it is possible he may go to Rotuma by plane, if it is not too expensive. He would like to operate a few days from there. The equipment to be used will be an Yaesu FT-450, 5 band Spiderbeam, and three vertical antennas for the 160/80/40m. bands (possibly a K9AY for reception). QSL via his home callsign, by the Bureau or direct, and also LoTW. More details will be forth coming. SOURCE: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #970.

Suerte y muchos dx en 6 metros!

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