Thursday, September 24, 2015

TY2SN qrv 6 meters

Nicolas, F8FQX (ex 5T5SN, TJ3SN  and  TN5SN) is going to Benin, where he will stay for three years. He will operate CW and  SSB  on the HF bands and 6 metres as TY2SN. QSL  via  IZ1BZV  (direct)  and LoTW. [TNX 425 DX News]

I'm sure Nicolas will have a great signal soon from Benin, as he has had allways. 


PY0F/AA4NC PY0F/AA4VK PY0F/WA4DAN qrv 6 meters 18 - 27 October

AA4NC, AA4VK and WA4DAN will be active  as PY0F/AA4NC,  PY0F/AA4VK and PY0F/WA4DAN from Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) on 18-27 October. They will be  QRV  on  160-6 meters SSB, CW and RTTY. PY0F/AA4NC will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as a single-operator entry. QSL via WA4DAN (OQRS for direct requests on [TNX 425 dx news]

5J0B qrv 6 meters 17 - 27 October

Joe, LU1FM and Daniel, LU9FHF will be active as 5J0B from San Andres Island (NA-033) on 17-27 October. They will operate SSB and digital modes on 160-6 metres, and will take part in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. QSL via LU1FM (OQRS on Club Log)  and  LoTW.  [TNX 425 DX News]