Saturday, June 29, 2013

Wkd 6M6M, Korea, my dxcc # 200 on 6 meters

6M6M antenna

Great morning, I have got up at 6 z again as last 15 days listening to Asia and for the first time I had strong videos on 48.25 and 49.75. Several HA, SP beacons were in, so it looked promising. 

After a while I started to hear LY and YL stations, a good indicator to have path to JA/HL. I was listening on 092 cw as 6M6M spotted and, while hearing a EU-EU qso, I heard ...6m... and again a weak cq 6m6m... After several calls they got me and we worked exchanging 529/559 reports at 06.50 z, my dxcc # 200.

YB, Indonesia, qrv 6 meters 15 - 21 October

A team of 25 operators will be active as  YB9Y  from  Pulau  Brassi (OC-276, new one for IOTA) on 15-21 October. They will operate  CW, SSB and digital modes on 160 - 6 metres. QSL via YB1GJS,  direct  and bureau. The website  for  the  expedition  is  up  and  running  at
[tnx 425 DX News #1156]

NA-034 qrv 6 meters 3-7 July


Lou, W0FK will be active as W0FK/4 from Longboat  Key  (NA-034)  on 3-7 July. He hopes to be QRV  on  6  metres.  QSL  via  home  call, direct or bureau. [TNX 425 DX News #1156]

Friday, June 28, 2013

S2, Bangladesh, qrv 6 meters 19-29 November


The  website  for  the  19-29  November  DXpedition  to Bangladesh  [425DXN 1155] is now up and running at

A  large  multi-national team of operators from the Mediterraneo DX Club will be active on 160 - 6 meters with six stations. Callsign TBA.  QSL via IK2VUC,  direct  or  bureau, and  LoTW.  Further  information, including  logsearch  and  OQRS in due course,  can be found on the website.

[TNX 425 DX News #1156]

AS-008 qrv 6 meters 26-29/July

Take,  JI3DST  will  be  active  on  40 - 6  metres  SSB  and  CW  as JI3DST/JI1 from Shikine Island (AS-008) on 26-29 July.  During  the IOTA Contest he expects to be signing JI3DST/1. QSL via home  call, bureau preferred. [TNX JI3DST, 425 DX News #1156]