Wednesday, August 31, 2011


An Italian team consisting of Alfeo/I1HJT, Silvano/ I2YSB, Carlo/ IK1AOD, Vinicio/IK2CIO, Angelo/IK2CKR, Marcello/IK2DIA and Stefano/ IK2HKT will be active as TU2T from the Ivory Coast sometime between October and November (dates to be confirmed). Activity will be on 160 - 6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. Suggested frequencies are:
CW - 1823, 3505, 7005, 10106, 14025, 18075, 21025, 24895, 28025 kHz SSB - 3780, 7056/7180, 14195, 18145, 21295, 24945 and 28495 kHz RTTY - 10140, 14080, 18104, 21080, 24902 and 2808 kHz 6m - 50105 kHz - CW, SSB and Beacon - Pilot station will be Art, IK7JWY. QSL via I2YSB, direct (2 USDs Europe, 3 USDs outside Europe and SAE [NO IRCs and stamps) or via the OQRS. For more details, visit the TU2T Web page at: Also, join the TU2T forum at:
SOURCE: [GOLIST] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1025 [tnx MMMonVHF Newsletter 2011-08-31]

IF9/IK2ANI from Favignana Island

Aldo, IK2ANI will be active as IF9/IK2ANI from Favignana Island (EU-054) on 1-6 September. He plans to operate SSB, CW and RTTY on 30-6 metres. SOURCE: IK2ANI via 425 DX News [tnx MMMonVHF Newsletter 2011-08-31]

IA5/IZ0KRC qrv from Elba Island (EU-028)

Claudio, IZ0KRC will be active as IA5/IZ0KRC from Elba Island (EU-028) from 28 August to 8 September. He will operate holiday style on 40-2 metres SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL via home call, bureau preferred. SOURCE: via 425 DX News [tnx MMMonVHF Newsletter 2011-08-31]


9M6XRO/John y 9M6DXX/Steve, estarán operando al estilo vacaciones como YB9/GM3OOK y YB9/G4JVG desde la isla de Bali (OC-022) del 12 al 15 de septiembre, su actividad será de 6 a 80 metros, John lo hará en CW y RTTY y Steve en SSB. Qsl de ambos vía M0URX, directa, bureau y LoTW. [tnx Lynx dx group].


S55EI/Marko,  estará activo desde Marruecos del 3 al 20 de septiembre con el indicativo CN2EI, principalmente en 40 y 6 metros, en SSB y PSK31. Qsl vía su propio indicativo. [tnx Lynx dx group]


SQ9UM/Alex, está activo desde Malasia Occidental de 40 a 6 metros en CW, RTTY y SSB, con el indicativo 9M2/SQ9UM,  hasta el 4 de septiembre. QSL vía su propio indicativo. [tnx Lynx dx group]

Sunday, August 28, 2011

J5, Guinea Bissau, qrv 6 m March / April 2012

The VERONA DX TEAM is happy to announce our upcoming 144 EME activity from J5 Guinea Bissau (IK45GJ) Hello, after the foundation of the VERONA DX TEAM is happy to announce our upcoming 144 EME activity from J5 Guinea Bissau The 144 MHz EME operations are scheduled for March / April 2012. Simultaneously we'll be also active with an all-mode station on HF and 50 Mhz, supposedly with
the same or maybe a different call. We'll keep you updated.
The callsign requested is J52EME, locator IK45GJ. EME station setup:
2 x 8 Xpol, gasfet preamp and some power (abt 700w), IC-7000.
Maybe we'll have the possibility of an internet connection. Freq will be 144.130 and J5 always first. The Team members will be I3LDP, I3EJ, IK3ESB, IK3RBE, IZ3BUR, and more! In the coming weeks
will be online the web site of the VERONA DX TEAM, with the news about the expedition. We'll keep you informed. This is our first EME expedition ! With the passing of time we hope to operate as well as the ATLETICO TEAM ! Thanks Renè (PE1L) for your support and hints, we are copying from you! Give us a call on band !
SOURCE: tnx to I3LDP, Lucio, direct to MMMonVHF [MMMonVHF Newsletter 2011-08-25]

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


August 10 2011, Budapest
Haros Radio Club, HA5HRK
At midnight on August 14 2011 the Budapest television broadcasting transmitter will cease operation on VHF channel one. The termination of Broadcasting Band I transmissions after 54 years of  television broadcasting will be followed by four days of ham radio activity organized by Haros Radio Club, using the antenna system of the former TV transmitter.  This activity at the special event station HG50MHZ is a memorial event celebrating more than half a century’s operation and at the same time publicizes the closure of a broadcasting transmitter which is well known to the six metre amateur radio community.
The webpage of HG50MHZ summarizes the 54 year history of Budapest channel one television broadcasting, the 6 years of HA activities on the six metre (50MHz) band and additionally provides details of the special event station. Channel one television broadcasts from Budapest are well known by radio amateurs all over the world and have in the past been widely used as a propagation indicator.
This period of amateur radio activity will allow two way communications facilitating actual amateur radio contacts utilizing the antenna system of the television transmitter. The web-site will also broadcast a video and audio stream in real-time from the station’s operating position, thus everybody will be able to listen to how his or her transmission can be copied at the former television station. The chat and guestbook pages of the site also provide another means of communications amongst the interested amateur radio community.

The location of the station is at the Szechenyi-hill broadcast station of Antenna Hungaria (JN97II). Station operators are either employees of Antenna Hungaria who are licensed radio amateurs or are members of the Haros Radio Club. The planned modes of operation are: CW, SSB, FM and digital. Besides being available for normal tropospheric and sporadic E modes of propagation EME earth-moon-earth experiments are also planned at HG50MHZ.

GU Guernsey, qrv 6m 19-24 August

A large group of operators from the Telford  and  District  Amateur Society  will be active  as  GP3ZME/p  from  Guernsey  (EU-114)  on 19-24 August. They plan to be QRV on 80-10 metres, as well as on  6
and 2m and the SHF bands. QSL via G3ZME, bureau preferred. About 14 Members of the Telford and District Amateur Society will be visiting the Island of Guernsey and will be operating on.

HF 80 Meters to 10 Meters.
SHF 2.3GHZ 3.4GHZ 5.7GHZ 10GHZ 24GHZ.

You may follow the DX Expedition on twitter 2W0ZJA will be tweating updates frequencies etc.!/daiboy25 .
VHF talk back and ON4KST chat may also be used.

Locator Square of the camping site is IO89QK but members of the group may well move around the island looking for the best paths to UK EU etc.

Hope to enter the UKug Contests

Aug 21st 5.7GHz Cumulative
Aug 21st 10GHz Cumulative
Aug 21st 24GHz Cumulative
Aug 23rd 2.3GHz+ Activity Contest

Hope to enter the 50MHz UKAC on the 23rd August.
The main objective of the Expedition is to have fun especially on SHF.

QSL if needed Via G3ZME (bureau). For details of direct QSL please use email address on
For More Information about the Club Please Visit 

V4, St. Kitts, qrv 6m 10 Oct - 15 Nov

W5JON estará de nuevo operando desde Calypso Bay como V47JA en St Kitts NA-104, Fk87pg del 10 de octubre al 5 de noviembre 2011 de 6 a 80mts en Ssb y en la banda de 60mts.Participará en el CQ WW Ssb los días 29 y 30 de octubre en categoría SOAB. Utlizará un TS590S y FT 857D junto con un amplificador SB200. Su XYL operará acasionalmente como V47HAM. QSL vía home call W5JON.[tnx blog EA1CS]

FP, ST PIERRE Y MIQUELON, qrv 6m 14-21 August

VE2XB, Mike, estará activo desde St. Pierre y Miquelon (NA-032) con el indicativo FP/VE2XB en todas las bandas HF y en especial en 6 metros del 14 al 21 de agosto Qsl vía VE2XB [tnx Lynx DX Group]